today is my birthday...hapy birthday zety..huhuhuhu..sweet 23...i da tue thn lepas birthday aku tetap ade suprise dr my housemate..thanx...
aku da kat atas katil da time diserang tuh..huhuhuhu..ngan baju tdo jer..hahahhaha...comot amat..terharu bile dieorang nyanyi lagu happy birthday...luv u all....
lpas makan kek sorng sikit..pesta krim pon bermule..huhuhuhu...thn lepas pon kami maen krim last year kat bwh.ruangnye besar..kali nih kat bilik aku yang comei jer...sonok...
lpas pesta krim kami tamat..aku on ym..huhuhuhuhu..geng terune-terune b5m1 nyanyikan aku lagu birthday through ym tuh...touching abes...huhuhuhu...thanx my dearest fren...itu namenye kwn...huhuhuhu...
lastly...special thanx to all my fren and my romate yang wish me through ym,sms and caling2...huhuhuhu..cik intan call me tuh to wish my birthday..thanx intan...mak ngan adik call pagi2 bute...huhuhuhu..thanx ma,cua....
Child world
12 years ago
hepy bufday KAKAK!!!
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